Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hit or Miss

With a fair measure of time for our visit to Memphis, I knew I had to see if Amy could get together. She's a minister's wife, mother of a young boy and she's expecting her second son. She's a go-getter, so she stays busy with good things in life. 

We became friends during my time working at the seminary. She started out on staff and I took to her right away. A little later she became a student and remained on staff part-time. She was one of my students since she was studying in one of the degree programs I taught. Later, I convinced her to return to full-time staff as my secretary. She's amazing. She married a godly man. She has a sweet family. Faithful. They are faithful.

Initially we made plans to get together on the day before Matt and I were set to leave town. She expected her in-laws in town for the day on Thursday and wanted time to get ready Wednesday. I had plans on Friday. Saturday it would be. Through a comedy of errors, so-to-speak, due to bad storms to the south and poor communication, the in-laws were delayed in their arrival by two days and my visit was bumped. :( It was disappointing, but in typical classy style, Amy made a phone call and was willing to linger, even with guests in her home who'd just arrived. 

It was less than it would have been to talk face-to-face, see her sweet boy and hug her neck, but it was so good to catch up on life. It's always encouraging to get together with old friends who are living life well. Now, if only I'd seen that little baby bump :)

This is the picture of them I keep on our prayer wall.

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