It's a priority for her to be a stay-at-home mom, but most women living here can't manage it. The cost of living is so high both husband and wife work. In very few cases, the wife/mom finds a job to do from home. Fortunately, Hannah found a way to make it work.
She's in an ideal situation where she's using her gifts, talents, skills and creativity to do the things she loves, while being with her son most of the time. It's a crazy-busy, hectic existence, but one that God blesses abundantly. She speaks often of how blessed, happy and content she is with the life God has given her.
Last Spring, before they had any idea how the plan would shake out, I volunteered one day a week to keep the baby for them if they felt they needed it and that it would be best. At the time, one day a week didn't make sense because they thought she would continue working full-time.
After many months of preparation for his birth and after his appearance into the world, Hannah had a clearer picture of what they were going to do going forward. The church provided a staff nursery for the first time, so that was their answer to prayer for what to do with Collin on her office days.
The only catch was that God kept reminding Hannah of my offer. An offer I'd made 7 - 8 months before and hadn't been mentioned since.
When I made the offer, I meant to follow through on it. It just didn't make much sense for what they seemed to need and most people seek their own childcare, rather than having someone offer to keep their baby. #awkward
I offered because I felt I was supposed to offer. It seemed like the kind of thing a good friend, a sister in Christ, should do if she can. They don't have family close (or didn't at the time) and neither do we. Sometimes the family we have is the family God gives us.
It seemed highly unlikely they'd take me up on it, because that's just highly unorthodox. In the end, Hannah felt God was putting it on her heart, saying to her that would be best for Collin.
Hannah took this shot (Expose Photography by Hannah)
So now, it's been 9 months of spending time with the boy and it's been really good for me. It began with me taking care of him to be a good friend, but I chose to love him from the start. Taking the best care of him that was possible was the supreme goal, but loving on him in the midst of it was of significant importance too.As a task oriented person, I worked the schedule, making sure he received the proper nourishment as he had special feeding instructions...making sure he was safe, happy, warm, clean, secure, given attention and affection, and so on. It was fun watching him change, grow, and learn.
Though the basic things that little ones need are the same, each child is different. It has been really fun learning Collin. For example, when he's frustrated, he pumps/kicks his left leg only. Every. Time.
When you ask him what he wants to do, or what he needs when he's irritable, and suggest one thing to him, if you're right he stops moving completely and doesn't make a sound. As you wait quietly and still while he's completely still and silent, he'll turn his head and look up at you with those big beautiful eyes. And. You. Know. Yep! That's what it is!
My response is always, "Ok. I'm going to ________." I communicate back to him that I'm taking him to do that very thing. When I confirm I'm going to give him a bath or take him outside, I get a very excited response...lots of wiggles, smiles and panting-laughter :)
It's interesting when you step back and think of what it might be like to be a baby. I know he won't remember when he's older, but I try to consider how difficult it would be to depend 100% on other people to care for your needs or even to cater to your wants. He knows what he needs; he knows what he wants; but he can't make it happen on his own or be certain he'll have someone provide it.
Don't get me wrong; he's not spoiled. By that, I mean his requests are reasonable: food or sleep mostly. The rest I offer: do you want to play? go outside? have a bath? He is spoiled with attention, but I don't think that's a bad thing at all. :)
Collin is not the kind of baby who gives smiles away easily. As much time as I have spent with him, it took a long time for him to break into a smile upon seeing me. When he began doing so, he offered them sparingly.
A few weeks ago, I watched how he lit up when his mom played with him. I'd seen it a few times before, but I began to wonder why he didn't respond similarly to me on occasion. It occurred to me that I may have been focusing too much on the practical side of caring for him and not spending enough time playing with him.
I regularly spent time talking to him, watching him play, cuddling him, making music for him (whistling, pounding a beat with my hands on the floor, etc. -- he loves music/sounds), reading to him, taking him outside and so forth. It occurred to me, though, that I wasn't crazy-playing with him. :)
You see when he was really little, I did my normal goofball antics I try with every baby. Usually it works. They get tickled with my silliness and I get smiles and laughter. Collin furrowed his brow and gave me a hard look. A look kinda like this:
Hannah took this picture too.
When it dawned on me he wasn't responding to me with smiles and laughs during our time together, I began trying my antics out on him again. After a slight hesitation of uncertainty from him, he began to smile and laugh. A. Lot. Maybe he just needed more time in the beginning to warm up to me ;)
These last few weeks with him have been super fun. He's growing and changing and learning and coming into his personality and he's beginning to communicate. He's really, really close to saying "mom," if he hasn't already. Sometimes Hannah forgets to update me on the milestones :)
So, if you don't talk with your baby extensively when he/she is tiny, give it a try. They know what we're saying well before they can speak it. Not knowing exactly when that would be for Collin, I've been telling him every step of the way what I'm doing when I'm the one controlling his body...telling him where we're going, what we're doing, etc.
Last Thursday, I stood him up at the coffee table and put toys within his reach. He'd tilt to one side and start slowly sliding off that direction...doomed to flop to the ground if I didn't catch I'd subtly give him a balancing assist with one hand until he lowered to the floor. He'd sit there a second with a toy and get motionless and silent, then look up at me. :) "Ok. I'll stand you back up at the table to play." He'd pant-laugh with excitement. And on and on the cycle went.
He's getting to be such a big boy. :)
Last week was the first time in a long time that I laid him on his stomach for tummy time. He was pumping that left leg before long ;) I settled him down by talking to him (about how we all have to struggle at times in order to learn :) and the next thing I knew he was reaching for a toy, twisted his torso a little, managed to turn onto his side, and rolled onto his back! He was one happy boy...pumping both legs (his happy dance), smiling and laughing. lol #doesn'tliketummytime #won'tlearntocrawlwithoutit
It is true that Matt and I want a baby, but time with Collin is no substitute. He's one of the extra special blessing in unexpected one. For that reason, I'm often thanking Jordan and Hannah for sharing the boy with me. They think I'm a huge blessing to them for keeping Collin weekly unpaid. I think they're the huge blessing for sharing him with me. #allisasitshouldbe
In the meantime, there are moments I see myself growing up a bit with Collin. Each time I take on a new challenge...eating with a friend at a restaurant with him along and awake, shopping at walmart, running a series of little errands, going to the church for ladies Bible study, figuring out what he wants when he's sick, off schedule and inconsolable, learning what he likes to do/what he needs interpersonally and emotionally and meeting the need...
As it is, God gives me a little sweetness for the soul each week I am able to spend time with Collin.
P.S. Since I initially wrote this post, a few days in advance, Hannah reported that Collin has called out to her during a cry, saying, "ma-ma." There's nothing like it for a mama's heart. His first word and her tears overflowing. #truelove