Tuesday, December 6, 2011

O Christmas Tree

As many of you know, I LOVE decorating. This interest of mine was a discovery later in life. Once I had the resources to buy furniture for my home and choose the accessories, I found a new love and dare I say it, a new talent. 

After gaining a little confidence from decorating some offices at work, it became a bit of a passion. I even considered it as a sideline career. 

It may surprise you that I've never been enthusiastic about decorating for Christmas. 

When I was younger, it seemed like a lot of work just to have a place for the presents. When I grew older and had my own home, I carried that thought with me. Knowing no one would see my decorations, it hardly seemed worth it just for me

Some things have changed over the last few years. I've learned to appreciate the little things: freshly cut flowers (even if I buy them myself), a long walk on a beautiful day, listening to music while I work around the house, making things with my own hands and imagination...

Yesterday, I decorated our house for Christmas. We may not have anyone over to see them, but I found that I love the decorations just for me. I felt my heart warm ever so gently at the thought of Christmas day. 

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