A spiritual virtue. A constant challenge.
There are so many things on my list of things to do it is hard to know where to begin. So many times, I chart out a plan in my Franklin Covey planner and find I've set the bar too high.
Friday was one of those days. I hoped to clean out the car, emptying it of all the contents, vacuuming the inside, wiping down the dash and washing the outside. With my major project (which shall remain nameless) appearing almost finished after working on it all afternoon on Thursday, I was sure I'd finish Friday morning and move on to the other tasks on my list. Have I told you that everything I plan to do takes longer than expected?
I worked again all day on Friday before it was finished, but it sure was nice to be done...with the first half anyway. :)
On Saturday, Matt went in to work early and worked a full day (an infrequent occurrence). With Matt out of the house, I determined to make up for the "loss" of Friday by working on my tasks planned for Friday.
I emptied the car, vacuumed it out quite well and washed it. Unfortunately, the other tasks on my list were completed first and took up the morning and part of the afternoon. By the time I finished the car, Matt arrived home. By then, I was back to work on the second half of my project (taking a break from working on the car) and had no idea so much time had passed. He took me completely by surprise even though he arrived on time.
Sunday morning I finished vacuuming the car mats and cleaning them with carpet cleaner. I sorted through the items taken from the car to decide what had to go back (like insurance card, registration and the like). I felt pretty good about the car when we headed out for church until I noticed...it had a new coat of pollen. :-/
Nonetheless, my Franklin Covey is helping me stay on track with all that needs to be done. It has become one of my favorite things.
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