Sunday, September 22, 2013

Answered Prayer

Knowing most of you who read this blog, I can be sure you know what's it's like to have a prayer answered. It is an amazing gift to pray for something specifically and see God answer that prayer, just for you.

Have you ever been the answer to someone else's prayer? Of course you have. I know you, so I know you have on more than one occasion. What struck me this week in a unique and unexpected way was hearing from someone else that I was the answer to her prayer.

It seemed unreal on my first night of Bible Study Fellowship to be in the newcomers class with a girl from my high school. She was two grades behind me, but we were acquainted those many years ago. Living a full 15 hour drive from my hometown, not only did I "run into" a girl from home, but someone who attended my high school, someone I remember!!

The second week of class, she mentioned in our introductory time in our small group that she and her husband had been praying she'd run into someone "familiar" to her at the Bible study. I couldn't help but smile. It made me feel good that seeing my familiar face and becoming reacquainted was her answer to prayer.

As a friend of mine would say...

People. Sometimes it's the little things that are big.

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