Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Miracle Baby

Our friends Nick and Katrina didn't feel "ready" to have a baby too soon after they were married, but decided to let God decide on the timing. When it didn't happen instantly, some concern mounted...some doctor visits happened...some tests were run...some bad news came.

On a visit home last Spring, we talked babies because we all want them and my sweet friend told me they may never be able to have children. Heartbreaking.

The next thing I knew, Matt and I were back home and sitting in our living room when we received simultaneous calls to our cell phones from them. With one glance, I said, "They're expecting!" (We received simultaneous calls the night they were engaged too. :)...and for the record, Trina, we expect such courtesy with each major life event...the bar has been set, my friend ;).

We talked to them a few minutes and I couldn't help being shocked, stunned and nearly speechless. Considering our loss the previous Fall, it may have seemed the less-than-excited response one hopes for from a friend, but that wasn't it at all. It just was surreal!

This week roughly marks the midpoint of her pregnancy and it's ultrasound week!!! Boy or Girl?!??!?! I CAN'T WAIT to find... #hearsphoneringing #bebacklater;)

Congratulations, Nick and Katrina!
Your little miracle is well on the way!

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