Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Brand Snob

Like anyone else, I want to spend as little as possible when I shop. If I can get the same quality product for less, I'm all for it. In some cases, though, I find I'm a brand snob. 

In the past, I've tried the store brand and found it to be lacking for some foods. That experience has led me to become extremely preferential to certain brands. 

The main brand I used to be a snob about was Kraft. For salad dressings, barbeque sauce and cheeses, I only wanted Kraft. That is still the case; however, I must compromise on occasion due to stores only carrying Sargento for some kinds of cheese.

Now, I find I've added another brand to the category of brand snobbishness...

Yep, it's Quaker! 

Some of the products I like are pictured (granola, oatmeal and Oatmeal To Go bars), but I also like their granola bars and brown sugar cinnamon squares cereal (and this from a girl who hates cereal!).

I admit, for certain individual items there are other brands on my list: Daisy sour cream, Mahatma rice, Mott's apple sauce, Oscar Mayer bacon, Yoplait yogurt and Pace salsa.

My latest love of brand? Lawry's marinades. YUM!

At present I believe I have about 8 bottles in the pantry...

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