Thursday, August 23, 2012


This week has been a bit overwhelming for both Matt and me. Coming off of a wonderful anniversary trip and headed into a week-long vacation, we hit the ground running. 

Matt's boss was in from New York for the day on Monday. He had an internal auditor in yesterday and today. When someone from the company is in town to work with him, Matt serves as his host. He picks him up from and drops him off at the airport. Matt hosts him for dinner each night as well. He is their single mode of transportation. Although it makes for long days and in a week like this one, makes for a long week, he likes the men he works with and enjoys hosting them. 

When Matt works late, I tend to work late too. Right off the bat I gain at least two hours back. There's no meal planning, prep, cooking or cleaning the kitchen. Knowing that, I get motivated to get involved in projects and tasks that take more time, make more of a mess and yes, tend to bring on more frustration. 

This has been a productive week for both of us. I think I've benefited the most because I finally finished a few things I've been trying to find time to do. 

When I know I'm leaving town for a week or more, something within screams that I need to get my house in perfect working order. I know how good it feels to walk in after a long trip only to be reminded of how squared away everything is at home. In the past, when it was only me, I would work all day and stay up all night before a trip, if necessary, just to get everything done. 

Since I have perfectionist tendencies, that means I'd have a few things on my list and the list would grow as I go. I'd clean, then see something else I hadn't noticed, I'd take care of that and then see something else...before you know it, I'm getting side-tracked cleaning to the microscopic level. 

Fortunately, having Matt in my life and learning to let some things go, I'm not staying up too late tonight. At least, I'm not staying up late to clean. It's finally time to relax. 

Just to give you an example of my tenacity this week, I ironed three days. Ironing is not my favorite. 

Almost everything is marked off :)

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