The latest book I've been reading is The Four Seasons of Marriage by Gary Chapman. He also is the author of the Five Love Languages. Let me just say, I'm enjoying this one.
It seems to me a lot of people get married without having a clear picture of what to expect. Often couples struggle because they don't know or understand the purpose God has for marriage; they don't realize they should expect difficulties and challenges in their relationship; they haven't learned how to respond to those challenges when they happen; nor have they learned how to cultivate and maintain a good marriage.
Often it is an unwillingness to adjust and change that continues to feed conflict in the relationship and sometimes causes a marriage to spiral down until both feel hopeless and give up. Chapman's book explains the four seasons of marriage detailing the emotions, attitudes and actions of each stage.
He helps couples assess the season of their marriage and offers strategies for moving their marriages into the seasons of Spring and Summer. So far, I've read about the seasons and have completed the assessment. I'm looking forward to reading about the strategies he suggests to help couples stay in Spring or Summer most of their married lives.
Check it out...
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