Tuesday, June 19, 2012


If you haven't heard of it yet, you should check out a website a friend recommended to me. It's FlyLady.net. You won't be disappointed. 

The Fly Lady website has a lot of ideas for how to break down the task of taking care of our homes. She recommends developing small habit by small habit toward turning your home from chaos to clean.

Although I've been developing habits and routines for our home naturally over time, this website gives very specific guidance that will help me focus on developing habits and routines in areas I hadn't thought about yet. The website also offers a lot of ideas for how to make a big difference in a small amount of time. [Regain control of hotspots; Declutter 15 minutes a day; Shine your sink; Get dressed to shoes; etc.]

I've just scratched the surface of what the website offers, but I'm eager to see what other ideas she has to help me. My goal is to have a good routine and reasonable goals for keeping up the home before children come along. Children are a game changer, but my hope is that I'll make a smoother adjustment once I get down some of the disciplines the Fly Lady suggests. 
Take a few minutes to check it out...

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