A friend put together a prayer book using photos of everyone she wanted to pray for routinely. She sent me a text one day showing me our page in her book, saying she was praying for us.
That inspired me to do the same (though the construction of mine is still in progress).
I find it challenging to keep up with the endless lists of specific things that need to be prayed for, so the picture idea sounded perfect for me. Each time I see a friend or family member's face, I run through what I know is going on in their lives and pray for everything that comes to mind.
This approach puts the focus on praying for the friend and all that's happening in her life rather than limiting my prayers to a specific request that may have been mentioned. It seems a much better way for me to intercede.
Thank you, Kandice, for your prayers for us and for sharing this wonderful idea (and thanks to Kim who shared the idea with you)!
"With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with
this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all
the saints," Ephesians 6:18
GREAT idea!! May 'borrow' it myself!!