Saturday, September 8, 2012

Our Hometown

Hometown - the place of your beginning; where your people live; where you belong. 

Memphis is legitimately my hometown. I was born and raised there, my people are still there and it is a place where I will always belong. For Matt, Memphis unexpectedly made it's way into his heart. Not altogether because of me, it's the people who befriended him, it's the way of life, the spirit of the believers there that are a part of what makes it feel like a home to him.

Matt and I met at Bellevue Baptist Church. We got to know one another there. We served the Lord together there long before Matt knew he wanted to build a life with me. We grew spiritually at Bellevue. We made a slew of godly, genuine friends at Bellevue. In the end, we were married there. 

We are now one flesh; we are one. In large part, our hometown...where we began, where our people live and where we belong...remains Bellevue Baptist Church. 

Recently, we visited Memphis and attended two Sundays at Bellevue. For those of you who have never been, here is a little clip (or two) of our hometown. 

A portion of an amazing solo (please pardon the quality--new videographer here :)
I will praise Your name, I will praise Your name, 
I will praise Your name, forever more
With a 40 member live orchestra, a soloist with a phenomenal voice and a 150 member choir the quality of this audio does not do the song justice.

A portion of a sermon from our former pastor
"Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before."

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