Wednesday, March 28, 2012

East Coast Livin'

One Saturday morning recently, Matt and I had a day with nothing planned. He has been working more on Saturdays lately, but he decided to work a couple of hours at home instead of making the trip downtown. 

We had a typical lazy Saturday morning, sleeping late and eating a big breakfast. Just as we finished eating, as he looked out the window, Matt said, "It's such a beautiful day today. Let's drive to the coast this afternoon since we haven't made a trip out to the ocean yet." I was surprised, to be sure, but quickly agreed. 

Matt worked a bit while I cleaned the kitchen and got ready for our trip. We left early in the afternoon...

 Our Shadows

 Matt's Shadow Creeping Mine :)

 The Ferry

 It was a bit windy and cold.

  Breaking in!

 We saw this anchor in town and as my college sorority's symbol, I had to have a pic.

 This is a cannonball that became lodged in this home's foundation in the War of 1812.

 Our view at the restaurant where we ate for dinner.

 My camera was zoomed in more than I realized. Oops!

 Still don't have the self-portraiture down, but it's getting better!

Dinner is served.

We had a great road trip and wonderful date day visiting and exploring the coast!

1 comment:

  1. HaHa!!! Matt still doing his creeper pictures...Love It!
