Monday, March 19, 2012

Role Reversal

Apparently someone needed to tell my husband his role in our relationship. You see there is always one in a married couple, but it's supposed to be the man. 

This is mine. Not Matt's. Mine. 

Yes, I have a t-shirt I still wear that not only has two rather large holes in the front, but also is 20 years old. Laugh if you must. This morning was a wake up call when my husband mocked me for my choice ;)

It would seem I'm the one with the typical bachelor qualities, while Matt is quite good about things like old t-shirts, putting dirty dishes in the kitchen, grooming and showering (multiple times in a day, if necessary).

Yes...all too often, I'm the one who leaves the dinner dishes in the room we eat (planning to take care of it the next morning while Matt's at work). I'm the one who may skip a day with taking a shower (if I'm not going out and haven't gotten sweaty or dirty during the day). I'm the one who wears holey socks and t-shirts and wears wrinkled, slouchy clothes around the house.

Believe it or not, I don't compromise as often in these areas as I did when I was single. My husband's good habits are motivating me to do better. My flossing frequency is up to every other day! :)

In the meantime, all I can say is mock away, sweet husband. I'll get my act together eventually ;)

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