Sunday, March 11, 2012

How Long....

It amazes me sometimes how long it takes for me to learn a better way to do something. This time it has to do with laundry. 

For some reason, I always use to begin with laundering my clothing first and then "special loads" like sheets and towels. Since I wash all in one day, I've found it makes a lot more sense to wash sheets first then clothing and towels last.

My reason? Although I have several set of sheets, I tend to wash a set and put it back on the bed. Why should I unfold a clean set only to fold the one out of the wash in a couple of hours? To avoid the "extra work" I wash and return :)

While still single and maintaining my house, I found myself in a bind at bedtime, time after time. I'd get started with the laundry and get busy doing other things. With my mind on other tasks, I didn't hear the dryer stop and forgot about it. When I finally remembered, I'd rush in to add and change over loads. No matter my resolve to pay attention, I'd get busy again and let it sit idle unaware (mine didn't and this one doesn't have a buzzer). 

Inevitably, by the end of the day, I'd be rushing to go out with friends and not have time to finish. I'd come home to a stripped bed and wrinkled sheets in the dryer. The last thing I wanted to do late on Saturday night was take the time to make the bed.

I admit, there were times I didn't bother. I'd just toss a sheet and blanket on the mattress and go to sleep. (Isn't it sad that I probably had more of a bachelor lifestyle at home than Matt did while single?! Ha!)

Today, I started with the sheets and the bed was remade pretty early in the day. Yay! 
 Our bedroom

Now the clothes are in process. If towels are in the last load and are done late, who cares?! I'll just hang them back in the bathroom when I pull them from the dryer.

Changing the order of my laundry loads is a little thing, but it makes me feel good to simplify the process. I'm all about efficiency and simplicity...mainly because I'm basically lazy :)

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