Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Good Day

This is a special day for a couple of my friends, so I apologize in advance for writing such a long post.

Beth and I met on our first day of Seminary in 1997. We were completing new student registration and began talking while standing in line. Instantly I knew I liked her. I had no idea we would remain good friends for all of these years. 

Since that day, we attended many seminary classes together, served together as Disciple Now leaders more than once and went to church together on Sunday nights (she worked at the church during morning hours). Although she never said anything, I observed her take note of her husband long before they were friends. :) We went on a mission trip to Brazil and were roommates; I was in her wedding and at the hospital when her first and second children were born (she preferred I visit at the house for the third and fourth, so I did); and most recently, she was in my wedding. 

Beth Brady is a faithful friend. God has used her in more ways than she knows to shape who I am today. I love her so. God has been good to us over the years, blessing our lives and our friendship.

Ours is the kind of friendship that has withstood a lot of change. I remember too giddy school girls talking about seminary boys in our cars late at night in the church parking lot. I remember two friends who applied for the same ministry position: one got it, the other one was more qualified and would have done better at it. I remember a professor calling us out in class for writing notes as he lectured. I remember playing an adapted version of musical chairs at a youth event and getting ketchup, mustard and syrup smeared all over my shorts. I remember meeting and loving her parents. 

I remember taking a road trip to Alabama to attend her cousin's college graduation (practically speaking, her sister). I remember lying on the cold ceramic tile of an airport floor in Brazil after a scary, hard landing. I remember strolling to the beach to get a glimpse of the ocean before taking the next flight out. I remember driving by her first apartment and calling to see if I could drop by to hang out. I remember sitting in chapel hearing Matt preach for the first time. I remember a road trip to Jackson when she was pregnant with her first baby girl. I remember a sweet newborn sleeping on my shoulder at a baby shower thrown by their former church. And I remember so much more. 

Today is Matt and Beth's Anniversary. They were married on March 31, 2001. 

Matt Brady was in seminary with us. Even though I didn't spend a lot of time around him in those days, I observed enough to know he had the kind of character and integrity that is rare, even in a seminary. When Beth told me she was dating Matt and knew she'd marry him, I couldn't have been more thrilled. She couldn't have chosen a better man to marry. I couldn't have been more at ease knowing my best friend would be married to a man who would treat her commensurate with her high value as a woman of godly character.

They've had some fruitful years both with family and ministry. These are their precious children: 

This also is a special day for another friend. 

Amy Whittington and I met while working on staff at the seminary. Our offices were right down the hall from one another so we crossed paths often in those early days. I did whatever I could to help her when she needed something; she was pleasant to work with and diligent in her job. Those qualities in Amy gave me an instant appreciation for her and time built a friendship I wouldn't trade for anything. 

In my working world, Amy is what I've always called a go-getter. She is passionate about the Lord, about ministry and about loving people. My respect for the way she approached her work, her ministry, her relationships and her life grew in me a deep love for this sweet friend. 

When I became a departmental director at the seminary, I had the opportunity to hire a full time secretary to replace the lady who'd just left. Amy was an obvious choice. The beauty of that situation was that I knew she would work diligently because of her depth of character. Not only did I respect her work and her work ethic, I respected her keen judgment. Our friendship wouldn't be a problem for either of us. I could literally leave her to her work and know with our continued open communication (that was natural as friends) that our office would function with excellency. 

When she decided to take classes at the seminary, I fought to keep her full time even though she'd step out of the office for an hour long class here and there. When she became a full time student I lost her from my office, but she became one of my students. By then, she was dating Austin and he was in my classes too. 

I remember a day he gave her yellow roses and she became very nervous about his plans for their relationship. She knew by then that she wanted to marry him and thought the yellow "friendship" roses might be an indication of different thinking on his part. I saw it. Do you know what I mean? 

Sometimes when a Christian couple begin dating and you see them together, something in your spirit just says, "This is it. God put them together and it is real." Yellow flowers or not, I knew what God was doing and in her heart of hearts so did she; it was merely a brief moment of uncertainty about his thinking. 

It was such a joy to see them become engaged and get married. To see them graduate and begin their places of ministry. To watch as they faithfully served our Lord and reaped many blessings in ministry, life and love. 

Now they have a sweet boy named Tyler. He is a delight. 

Austin and Amy Whittington were married March 31, 2007. 

Austin and I met for the first time on the phone. He was a prospective student and I was his admissions counselor. We had a great conversation and I remember him telling me later (after he enrolled and was in one of my classes) that he was impressed that I had prayed with him on the phone that God would lead him where he was to attend seminary (among other things). I remember being so impressed with him because his godly character was obvious just in that one conversation. 

When Austin and Amy were dating and I knew they'd get married, I couldn't have been more thrilled. God did it again. He put together two incredibly godly people and it was obvious He was at work in forming this union.

Austin and Amy were exceptional students and they've served the Lord well in ministry over the years. Many times I felt insufficient as a professor, but one day after they'd both graduated, Amy told me how often in their early days of ministry that they discussed things I'd taught them and how applicable those lessons were for their ministries. What an encouragement that was to hear. 

I was there for their wedding in 2007 and they were there for mine in 2011. Matt and I even went to the same resort for our honeymoon as did Amy and Austin based on her comments after her return. They have been a blessing in my life and I value Amy's friendship over the years more than she knows. I love you, sweet friend.





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