Monday, March 5, 2012


This is not a word that comes to mind when thinking of me. It is a good quality. One worth developing through discipline. The Proverbs 31 woman was wise in her ways and I'd venture to say frugal would be a good word to describe her.

Since before we were married, I had plans to clip coupons to save money on everyday items. With so many things drawing my attention away, I rarely sit down to go through the coupons we receive in the mail. On one occasion I had three higher value coupons to use on pricier items and what did I do? I forgot to pull them out of my purse when checking out. UGH!

I'm determined to do better, so I bought this at the office supply store a few days ago:

My new pretty coupon organizer

I've already started and I'm hoping for great savings in our future.

1 comment:

  1. There are many great websites to help in the quest to be frugal...

    are a few I like...I've 'liked' them on facebook so their posts point me to sales.
