I was raised to dress nicely and appropriately for each occasion. That's what I've always tried to do.
Inwardly, though, I've wished I was brave enough to try out new looks. Try a radically different hair style, maybe even get some highlights. Try a new style of clothing that wouldn't be something I'd normally dare to wear. I've always liked hats too and have thought they look good on me. Whatever the idea I had, I was never brave enough to venture out.
Often, I'd think, "Everyone knows me, my personality and what 'fits.'" I thought it would be a mistake to get in touch with my more wistfully playful side that likes the fun that can be found in the latest fashion trends.
Now that I'm on Pinterest, I've seen a lot of the latest styles in hair and clothing. I've become a bit interested in learning more and becoming a bit more fashion forward.
Please don't laugh when you find out about my first step in that direction. A while back I learned that braiding one's hair is "in" so I thought I'd see how it suits me.
These may not be the best pictures to show you, but it's as good as I can manage with the self-portraiture:
Whether or not these photos have convinced you, I like the look!
Being in a new place has inspired me to explore new possibilities. Stay tuned for more...