You know the feeling. The day begins and you're already behind.
I can't tell you how many days I flew out of the door and rushed to get to work. Maybe that's why I understand and appreciate the occasional snags that happen in Matt's getting-ready process.
From day to day, he's relaxed and methodical as he is getting ready. He has a target time each day for when he wants or needs to be out of the door. Like it was for me, he feels like he has plenty of time to finish those last things and be out on time.
Somehow there are days when those last few minutes seem to hurtle by and before he knows it, it will be tight to make it on time. (The only difference between us is that he gives himself extra time and isn't actually late, just later than he wants to be for what he plans to do.)
For me, when time suddenly ran short, the internal tension skyrocketed; but if everything went smoothly with gathering things to leave, all was well. The tension remained under the surface; Relaxation came only upon a timely arrival to work.
If, however, anything wasn't where it was supposed to be or any hitch happened when gathering things to leave, being rushed turned into being harried. I hate that feeling.
From this, I've learned that none of us is immune to the
struggles of living by a clock.
When I still lived at my parents' house, either Mom or Dad would be at the door to tell me goodbye when I was due to leave. If I was having a rushed morning, they'd always notice and would rush around trying to help me pull it all together to facilitate that smooth exit. Once I moved to my own house, I can't tell you how much I missed having them there for support on rough mornings. A more regular occurrence for me than for Matt...
Remembering how the morning so easily set the tone for my day (whether I'd start off relaxed or frustrated and impatient) is what made me want to be a strong support for Matt each day as he leaves. I look for anything I can do in his process so he doesn't have to spend the time. Make bed, pack lunch, fold sleep clothes and put in bin, pour coffee into travel mug, put everything he takes by front door and a new addition: check temperature and if freezing, scrape ice off truck windows.
Today, I confess was an epic fail. We stayed up late last night because Matt was preparing for a meeting and I didn't wake up as early this morning. When he left, the bed was unmade, his sleep clothes were on the floor and I forgot to check for freezing temps! He had to take the time to scrape the ice off his truck himself.
Matt doesn't expect me to do these things any more than I expected it of my parents, but he sure appreciates my help and loving-care. I'm the one who's disappointed when I offer him less.
Somehow even with my shortcomings, for Matt, today was not one of those rushed and harried days.