Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Great Day

Our T.V. and DVD player do not fit near the existing outlet in our living room. We considered adding an outlet elsewhere. We sought approval, since we're renting, and received the go-ahead. The cable company came out and informed us an electrician would have to run the line because it's too complicated for them.

Matt knows an electrician from work, so he came out for a consultation. He says it won't be worth running the line to our alternate location, but works out a workable option with Matt. Mounting the T.V. on the wall and running the cables to the DVD player that will sit on the shelf of our end table.

During this process I rearranged the furniture to give every seat a view of the T.V. It actually works but we still don't have room for a T.V. cabinet on that wall, so we went ahead with the plan for wall mounting it.

After two trips to H.H. Gregg and two trips to Best Buy to get the correct hardware and new cords that will be long enough to connect the T.V. with DVD player, the electrician came back and did all the work to mount the T.V. and make all the connections. Since our studs in that wall are metal, it was good he was here to use the right hardware to get it all to work. Toggle bolts were needed. 

Now, our living room looks like this: 

An improvement to be sure, but we never have found the right length cable for our DVD player (which is why it's sitting on the chair). Once we find the right cable, we'll also use a cable cover and paint it the color of the wall.

You may ask, why do we care so much about having a T.V. in our living room? That's the only room where we have enough seating for guests. A T.V. will be useful on movie night or game day. It's about time to invite our new friends to come over and play at our house :)

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