Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Nice Addition

My sister and her family gave Matt and I a gift basket full of thoughtful gifts. Due to our limitations of traveling by air, we had to leave the gift with my parents to ship to us. 

Our overall travel experience at Christmas was probably one of our best all year (Praise the Lord!), but on the return trip we did touch down an hour later than originally scheduled. The flight as scheduled was to arrive well past the time I prefer when Matt has to return to work the next morning. Unfortunately, it was the only offering at the best price we could find when we booked the tickets. We booked them knowing it wasn't ideal. All of the unexpected twists (delayed flights, tight transition to make the second flight, late arrival home) were a little distracting for me.

Since our layover was very brief, we stopped on the way home to pick up supper. By the time we actually made it to our house, it was about 11:15 or so. Not too bad. It definitely could have been much worse. 

After bringing in the luggage, my first thought was: "I need to figure out where I put the new snowflake ornament Tracey gave me so I can hang it on our tree." 

It took me a couple of minutes to realize, then my shoulders slumped. I left the ornament with the rest of the gift basket. Mom has it. I have to wait.

For those of you who quickly take down your tree, ours will be up for a while. Matt and I haven't celebrated "our" Christmas yet. I thought a good time for our celebration would be New Year's weekend, but Matt had a short week and that was not only month end, but year end for him at work. He had some late nights to wrap it all up. (His assistant happened to be out too.) Needless to say, I totally understood the need to wait for our celebration. 

All of that is to say, it's not too late to enjoy our new ornament this year! When the gift basket arrived, our new snowflake ornament made a nice addition to our tree. 

And in case you're wondering, we will celebrate "our" Christmas this weekend!! :)

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