Thursday, January 5, 2012


The weekend before Christmas we went to Rosedale's Christmas program. Although our church has put this program on for a few years, this was Jordan's first year to oversee the play and all that went into that portion of the program. 

If you've ever been in charge of planning and organizing a special event, you know this is no small task. There are so many details requiring attention that it seems endless if you're the one responsible. It's good to have capable help, but even with good help, the first year of pulling off any special event is particularly challenging. 

Being such good friends with Jordan and Hannah, we witnessed firsthand how much time was devoted to this program. We understood the lack of sleep for all of the late nights. We knew this labor of love required a lot of diligence, patience, determination, wise decision-making, prayer and devotion to God. The results were very good. 

Here is our Director-friend at the conclusion of his successful production: 

Here is a picture of the choir before they began: 

They sat in the balcony near Matt's and my seat. I didn't want to take any pictures during the program to avoid causing a disruption. I did take this picture of the stage and final set after the program was over:

You can't tell in the pictures above, but the place was packed out. The gospel was shared. The invitation was offered. That was the most important part.

Before the Pastor dismissed us, he announced that Rosedale will run the program for two nights next year. We pray Rosedale continues to grow and attract guests so many more may be reached in the name of Jesus!

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