The Women's Ministry of our former church offered a seminar and workshop on Chronological Bible Storying a while ago. Their aim was to teach mothers, grandmothers, children's teachers and disciplers of women how to share Jesus with others in narrative form. Dawn and I were in attendance...
Dawn and I felt we learned a lot from this seminar and the workshop that followed it. We left eager to apply what we learned; however, I am reminiscing now for another reason.
Something Iva said during the conference resonated with Dawn and me. She reminded us that throughout Scripture God led His people to live by faith and not by sight. She reminded us of the amazing things the Lord did, such as giving Sarah a child past childbearing age. Dawn and I talked during a break that it was a timely word for us both...encouragement to keep believing by faith.
You see, Dawn and I each had something heavy on our hearts during that season of life. Each of us were believing God and trusting, but sometimes doubt would begin to creep in and my faith would certainly begin to waver.
Heavy on my heart was whether or not Matt would choose to pursue me for marriage. (I believed God revealed to me that Matt would be my husband, yet our relationship wasn't progressing in a way that appeared to have promise.) Dawn was carrying the weight of deeply desiring another child, while knowing her first pregnancy was miraculous. Being able to have another child, in the world's eye, would be highly unlikely to say the least.
About a year and a half later,
Here I am...
Married to my sweet husband, Matt. And Dawn, well...
She is well on her way to having her second child, a son. Boaz.
It's always best to live by faith...
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