Monday, February 6, 2012

Sweet Heart

As sentimental as I may be, I also am a minimalist. I'd rather not have a house overrun with stuff. It just makes it harder to clean, harder to know what you have and harder to move when it's time to pack up and relocate. There's just no excuse for clutter in my book (even though I admit we have a lot of stuff).

When I considered decorating our Christmas tree, I thought about ornaments that have personal meaning. Many people collect an ornament per year of married life. When I think of that, I think of how that will be a tradition we pass on whether or not we intend to do so. That makes me think of how many children we'll have and how many ornaments we'll collect for each of them as well as for us, especially if we add to it the ones we had growing up. 

Maybe it is exaggerated in my mind, but due to my aversion to clutter I hesitate to begin that tradition. Instead, an ornament for each year something significant happens in our life would be nice. An ornament to represent the event rather than the year. 

With that in mind, I bought this for Matt and me this year. 

The little heart at the top has 2011 engraved on it and the front reads, "Our First Christmas."

The left side is engraved with Matt and Kim and our picture will be on the right. 

It doesn't have our picture in it yet. We took a picture on the night we celebrated our Christmas together and we'll put that image inside. 

Here is Matt putting the ornament on our tree: 

Maybe we'll have a rattle to add one day...

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