Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Time to Dance

There is a time for everything under the sun. To me, whenever we pass into a new year, it's a time to dance.  

Thankful to the Lord for the previous year's blessings...
           Grateful for strength, encouragement and comfort while  
           struggling through difficulties...
                          Thankful for the mercy of beginning a new
                          year afresh...
                                         Eagerness and enthusiasm for 
                                         blessings to come in the new year...

It's a time to dance...

with the good feelings that come from ending one chapter, so-to-speak, and beginning anew.

Time and seasons, days and years, these do not exist in eternity. Why then has God given us time and a way to mark time? He means it to be a blessing to us. 

When we rest well at night, we experience a sort of peace that may not be in our hearts during our waking hours in trying times of life. When we end a week at work, we have refreshment on the weekend. When we see the end of a year, we have an opportunity to look back, thanking God for the blessings and learning from mistakes. To put the past to rest and move forward.

Although 2011 was full of blessings for Matt and me, it's nice to close another chapter of life and look forward to what this new year will bring.

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