Thursday, February 7, 2013

Christmas Treasures, part 3

For Christmas this year, my mother-in-law came in town early and took us shopping. I didn't mind at all spending hours upon hours shopping with her for things for Matt. It was fun for me to weigh in on what he likes or needs. I love seeing his mom spill over with generosity to bless him with some nice, new things he's needed or wanted. It was awkward for me to make mention of anything for myself. She doesn't make me feel uncomfortable at all. I felt awkward about it because we're still getting to know one another, because it's easier for me to give than receive and because I don't want gifts to overshadow the substance of our relationship.

We would walk through the mall, with me leading the way...on a mission, and she'd ask, "Would you like to look in there? Do you need any of this or any of that?" I'd casually respond, very drawn out, "Nooo, I think I'm okay with that. I don't think I need that right now." My responses were true and accurate; I hadn't given much thought to what I would want. 

We'd make our way to the sought after store and choose items for Matt. We'd check out and head to the next very specific destination. She'd ask again all along the way, "How about this? How about that?" Have I mentioned how amazingly generous and sweet she is? It was clear she wanted to buy me a few things for Christmas too. Just knowing that was a good feeling.

Then, she suggested stopping to look in Things Remembered. I thought it would be fun to browse, but figured there would be nothing to buy in there either. We went in. Before long, we were looking at ornaments. She really liked a particular snowflake ornament (as did I once I realized which one she liked) and I almost caved in to let her buy me one. Right before I spoke up to agree, she suggested getting a baby shoe ornament to remember the son we lost. Perfect.

I choked back tears for the next 10 minutes or so. Happy tears. I'm so extremely sentimental. We had just been talking about Matt and my loss for the first time in person since it'd happened. I was able to share more details, including the dream. It didn't take more than a second for me to agree to getting the ornament. She even suggested having it engraved because the engraving would be on the bottom. No one else would have to see it; it could be just for us. To remember.

We engraved his name on the bottom. I couldn't think of a more perfect gift to receive from her on that day.

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