Monday, February 18, 2013

Home, Part 1

A rare, but favorite thing of mine, are days Matt has off work that he can choose however he wants to spend them. More often than not, he decides for us to go on an adventure somewhere new to explore. Occasionally he decides to stay home.

Leading up to President's Day, Matt suggested we might go on a day trip. He offered two or three possibilities. Then, he mentioned that the weather wasn't supposed to be that good and maybe we would spend the day at home.

Usually when he says things like that, it is the last thing mentioned that he most wants to do, but he's trying to feel me out. It seems he's trying to be sure he won't disappoint me. I thought staying home would be the best plan for this holiday. We've been very busy lately and I haven't been home much either. 

I like these days because Matt can sleep in, exercise, relax, read, watch tv or do whatever else he's in the mood to do. If I was in his shoes, I'd sleep late, stay in my pjs all day and be a lazy, tv-watching bum. :) 

Matt's plan included some of what was on my list, but he was much more productive than I'd likely be if the table was turned. He slept late, ate a big breakfast, fixed a few things around the house that were in need of repair, cleaned off his desk, got a little work done and the day isn't over yet!  

I can't tell you how good it makes me feel when Matt makes it a priority to work on things around the house. When we married, I made a commitment to myself as much as to him, that I wouldn't be a nag or mother him. We agreed I'd ask him once to do what needs to be done and after that, he's responsible. When he does things that need to be done (like today) when I haven't even asked, I LOVE it! 

I love being married to Matt for many reasons, only one of which is his sense of responsibility. It is a blessing being married to this man.

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