Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Oy Vey

It seemed our trip to Memphis at Christmas was being thwarted at every turn. At the last minute, Matt couldn't make the trip. I proceeded to travel alone with the plan that he would come later.

It all began to fall apart from the moment I arrived at the gate. A mechanical problem caused a significant delay for the flight out, so much so that I would miss my connecting flight. After two hours of waiting to talk with an airline representative to make a suitable readjustment, I was finally able to board. 

We made it out alright and finally arrived "on time" to make my rescheduled connection. My seat was upgraded to first class, I was comfortably sitting in my seat and all looked good. While heading out to the runway, we hear the pilot park the plane on the taxiway (powering down motors) and an announcement that we'll be sitting there for at least 45 minutes. The airport in Memphis had been effectively shut down due to high winds. It was truly a comedy of errors...minus the humor :)

With Matt unable to travel with me, I adjusted plans to visit friends so I could see two girlfriends and their kids at one time before he was due to arrive. Previously, they each mentioned an interest in getting to know the other and each commented on thinking their three-year-olds would get along. It seemed like a perfect plan. As one delay occurred after another, time slipped away and it didn't come together. :(

In the midst of it all, it occurred to me that I hadn't prayed before this trip as I usually do for a smooth journey. You better bet I began praying immediately and knew I'd remember for the next time.

In the end, I was thrilled to have a little quality time with a dear friend: 

And a chance to spend a few minutes with these little people (the big kids weren't up for a photo op :)

What is that old saying? All's well that ends well. Yeah, that's it. Fortunately, the ending was much better than the beginning.

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