Thursday, May 24, 2012

Designated Packer

One of my housewifely duties has evolved into designated family packer. Whenever we go out of town, whether for an overnight trip or for a week, I pack for both of us. 

If you saw how I packed for vacations or church trips in my youth, you'd be screaming "Nooooooooo!!!!" Fortunately, I've been on several mission trips over the years since and have learned how to pack in a more condensed fashion :)

Nevertheless, this new duty has not been without difficulty. I have found it to be a stressful task because in the process of choosing for Matt, I begin to worry about forgetting something he'll need. The work of packing then takes two or three times as long as it should because I walk through each day and all the articles of clothing he'll need to put on each morning to be fully dressed for the day's events. 

Running through it more than once is just to be sure that I'm sure I haven't missed something. Usually I'm a bit frazzled by the time it's all done.

A recent consequence to that process for an overnight trip a few months ago: he wasn't lacking anything, but I failed to pack my sleep clothes. Being that it was an overnight trip, there was nothing else in the bag that could reasonably serve that purpose...except an extra t-shirt I'd packed for Matt. Husband to the rescue! Whew :) Or should I say: Awkward!

We'll be out of town this weekend for a family wedding in Indiana. I got up when Matt did this morning (5 a.m.) and began pulling out clothes to cover each day and extra clothing for the wedding events. This is what our room looked like this morning: 

Believe it or not, this will be just enough to cover each day and all of the events. :)

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