I admit, I'm a novice. Apparently when I changed out the thread, I threaded it improperly. I couldn't figure out what I'd done because I couldn't see into it well enough to identify my error. While the machine was woefully unusable, I lost about 3 hours due to frustration and perplexity. I kept looking at the instruction book and didn't get what I was overlooking. It's really not that complicated. I was just tired from staying up too late.
Clarity came in the morning. I continued on with the skirt and it's almost done. That's supposed to be the easy part, but it's taken longer than I imagined it would. Let me just say, this has been a good learning experience.
Now that it's time to begin packing, I have to choose something from what I already have to wear to the wedding. That's ok with me. I'll have more time to work on this project and do things right.
In the meantime, this is what my sewing station and surrounding areas look like:
Pattern pieces strewn about...
Pinning, cutting, sewing station
Ironing location (On the 2nd floor - At least I got exercise going up and down stairs!! A lot.)
Before too long, I hope to have a finished product that is respectable enough to post a photo :) We'll see...
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