Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Then and Now

In talking with Matt and listening to our moms, we decided they'd enjoy receiving an album of our wedding photos for Mother's Day. This is the project I mentioned a few weeks ago that took me 2 days for each album. 

You see, I created each book to include photos the moms would most care about, so they are different. It was fun to see the albums take shape as I chose the backgrounds and made adjustments to the layout for each page. It was time consuming, but well worth it. 

Here is a glimpse: 

 The cover shot is of Matt and I walking down the hill from the foot of the crosses.

The center shot is of Matt reading a card I gave him on our wedding day during those first moments together before taking pictures. 

Matt has enjoyed looking at the albums while they've laid around the house these weeks. One of the sweetest things he said as he looked one day: "And I'd do it all over again."

Praise the Lord for that! So would I.  

We hope our mothers enjoy these albums and enjoy sharing them with others. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. We love it and have shared it with the family. "The gift that keeps giving". Thank you!
